FAQs: Do you have questions?
We have answers to most of them here. (For others, you can reach us anytime!)
Below you will find answers to the most common questions about cloud marketplaces, setup and how to use Clazar. If you need more clarity, don't hesitate to drop us a note.
AWS Marketplace
Q: Should we keep a separate AWS account to manage marketplace activities?
We recommend having a separate AWS account to manage marketplace activities as marketplace activities will be owned by Partnership/ Alliances and Sales/SalesOps teams and will reduce dependency on the core engineering team using the AWS account to manage their infrastructure with AWS.
Q: Can we use AWS Credits to buy marketplace software?
No, you cannot use credits to buy third-party marketplace software. You can purchase third-party marketplace software using your EDP commitment and apply the AWS credits to your AWS bill.
Q: What is EDP in AWS or Committed Cloud Spend?
Committed Cloud Spend (Enterprise Discount Program - EDP- in AWS or Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment enrollment - MACC - in Azure) is a contractual commitment your organization may have made to spend on AWS, Azure, or GCP over time. You can use this committed spent to buy native AWS, Azure, and GCP products and services and third-party products such as Clazar.
For Azure, you can use 100% of your MACC to buy third-party software.
For AWS, what percentage of your EDP can be used to buy third-party software differs for each organization. It’s best to check with your AWS PDM on this.
Q: How to register as an AWS Marketplace seller?
Follow these steps to register as an AWS Marketplace seller:
- Review Seller requirements based on jurisdiction and the type of product. You can find it here - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/marketplace/latest/userguide/user-guide-for-sellers.html
- Sign in with an existing AWS account or create a new AWS account under your org on this link. This will now be the seller of the record account. AWS recommends having a separate account.
- Go to AWS Marketplace Homepage - https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace
- Navigate to the - ‘Sell in Marketplace’ tab.
- Click ‘Register Now’ and access the ‘Seller Registration Page.’
- Review and complete the following sections of this page
- Legal Business Name
- Review and accept Seller T&C
- Company & Product Details
- Go to Settings → Payment Information → Tax dashboard
- Complete the U.S. tax interview.
- Return to the Settings page, then select Complete VAT information, if applicable.
- Go to Settings → Payment Information to add banking information.
- A W-9 form and a banking account from a US-based bank are required for US-based entities.
- Go to Settings → Public Profile to update your public profile.
After completing the above steps, your account status will be moved to ‘Publish paid and free products.’
Go to Settings to check the status of your account.
You can also refer to this checklist by AWS to register successfully as an AWS Seller.
Q: What is CloudFormation Stack in AWS?
CloudFormation is an AWS service that enables you to define and provision your infrastructure resources to Clazar. We ask for the bare minimum permissions and accesses fully compliant with security best practices to make necessary changes to your AWS marketplace listing and account on your behalf.
For additional information, refer to this guide.
Q: What is the cost of running CloudFormation Stack?
There is no cost to create the Cloud Formation Stack. The cost of running the Cloud Formation stack for Clazar is negligible.
Q: Why do most listings on the marketplace use a unit (Databricks unit, etc.) for usage rather than a dollar value?
It allows you to charge and meter various product pricing dimensions at different prices (or dollar values) for different buyers/ customers.
Q: What is a Custom Domain?
This is your company’s domain on which the buyer registration page will be hosted to provide a better buying experience to your buyers. Example - “register.comanyname.com”. It benefits your buyers as they only see your name and brand, not a Clazar-driven (or any third-party named) registration page.
Q: Can we change the pricing for our Public listing in Clazar?
You can submit a request with Clazar and share your new pricing, and we can change it for you. The new pricing will reflect in 2 Business Days on your public profile, but will only be effective for new buyers/ customers.
For existing customers, the price change to meter usage will be effective on the 1st of the month after a 90-day period. If their previous contract only had an upfront payment, everything would stay the same until the contract ends. The same applies to FPS as well.
For new contracts, the new pricing is effective once it is live.
Q: How to edit the Long Description in Clazar?
Raise a request with Clazar and provide the new Long Description to us. The TAT would be 1 Business Day.
Q: How do I change my standard EULA to a Custom EULA?
Raise a request with us and provide the new EULA. The TAT would be 2 Business days.
The new EULA will apply to new customers only, not existing customers.
Q: What can be edited in our listing once it’s live in Clazar, and what are the turnaround times?
The following items can be edited:
- Listing Title, Logo, Short Description, Long Description, Highlights, Support Information, Resources, Categories, Search Keywords: 1 Business Day
- EULA: 2 Business Days
- Dimension Name & Description - 1 Business Day
- Pricing: 2 Business Days (on Public profile for new buyers/ customers)
For existing customers, the price change to meter usage will be effective on the 1st of the month after a 90-day period. If their previous contract only had an upfront payment, everything would stay the same until the contract ends. The same applies to FPS as well.
When we update our listing/offerings through the Clazar portal, are the changes automatically & immediately made in the AWS marketplace or is there a delay/approval process that needs to happen?
Changes to listings can take time depending on the type of change.
The seller will have to contact Clazar’s implementation or customer success team to inform them about the required changes. Clazar's implementation team works with AWS solution engineers to expedite the changes and make them live as soon as possible.
Apart from this, creating private offers and syncing data between cloud portals and Clazar are all done in real-time. Analytics is updated based on the set report generation schedule at AWS/cloud's end.
Private Offers
Q: How do I create a Public Free Trial in AWS Marketplace?
Before creating a Public Free Trial in AWS Marketplace, you need ensure the following:
- You must have access to the AWS Marketplace console.
- You must be fully registered with AWS Marketplace as a seller.
- You must have a publicly listed SaaS contract or SaaS contract with a pay-as-you-go product listed in the AWS Marketplace.
- You must subscribe to Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) for SaaS products.
Steps to Create a Public Free Trial
- Log in to the AWS Marketplace Management Portal with your admin credentials.
- Go to Offers → Public Free Trials → Create free trial offer
- Select your product
- Select the Duration of the free trial (between 7 and 90 days)
- Select one or multiple product dimensions
- Select standard EULA or Custom EULA
It takes some time for the offer to go live. Once you have created your first public offer and it’s live, ‘Try for free’ will show on your product listing. Read more here.
Q: Does Clazar support free trials?
You can create a public free trial using the AWS Marketplace Management Portal.
We are in the process of enabling ‘Creating a Public Free Trial’ via the Clazar App, and it will be live soon.
Once you have created a free trial in AWS, you can see all the details in Buyer 360, events, and contracts about this free trial in the Clazar App.
Q: What details are needed to create a Private Offer in AWS? How to create a Private Offer in AWS?
The following details are needed for creating a Private Offer in AWS:
- Buyer company name
- Buyer AWS account ID
- Offer name
- Expiration date
- Contract duration
- Offer type
- Product Dimensions and Additional usage details for pricing
- Flexible Payment schedule in case of FPS payments
- Standard EULA or Custom EULA
‘Buyer Company Name’ is not needed when creating a Private Offer via the AWS Marketplace Management Portal but is required when creating a Private Offer using Clazar.
How to create a Private Offer:
Go to AWS Marketplace Management Portal → Offers → ‘Manage Private Offer’ → Create an Offer.
You can read more about AWS private offers here.
Q: How do I cancel an accepted Private Offer in AWS, and how long does it take?
You cannot cancel an accepted Private Offer. You can cancel the contract associated with the Private Offer. You need to request AWS Support to cancel a particular contract with a buyer. You can get additional information here.
Q: How to edit an existing Private Offer in AWS?
You can change the expiration date if the Private Offer is not accepted.
Once accepted, to edit any existing offer, you can create an Agreement Based Offer (ABO) within Clazar or the AWS Marketplace Management Portal. Your buyer will accept the ABO, and all changes will be reflected in their new contract. Once a buyer accepts an ABO, the previous agreement/contract gets canceled.
Q: How does a buyer accept a Private Offer in AWS?
To view and subscribe to a private offer from a list of private offers extended to your AWS account, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the AWS Marketplace console.
- Navigate to the Private Offers page.
- From the Private Offers page, on the Available offers tab, select the Offer ID for the offer of interest.
- View and subscribe to the private offer.
To view and subscribe to a private offer from a link that the seller has sent to you, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the AWS Marketplace console.
- Follow the link sent by the seller to access the private offer directly.
To view and subscribe to a private offer from the product page, follow these steps:
- Sign in to the AWS Marketplace console.
- Navigate to the product page for the product.
- View the banner at the top of the page showing the offer's private offer, Offer ID, and expiration.
Select the Offer ID. - View and subscribe to the private offer.
Read more here.
Q: Can a seller list a $0 pricing dimension?
AWS’s policy on $0 changes, depending on which team we are working with to publish your listing. We suggest adding a pricing dimension with a price, but if you would like to add a $0 pricing dimension, we will try our best to push it through with AWS.
Q: What details are needed to create a Private Offer in Microsoft Azure Marketplace? How to create a Private Offer in Microsoft Azure Marketplace?
The following details are needed:
- Private Offer Name
- Private Offer type - Customize pricing for existing public offers and plans or Customize pricing, metering quantities, and user limits for SaaS offer
- Buyer billing account
- Start date, End date, Accept-by date,
- T&C PDF (optional)
- Notification contacts
- Configure pricing details based on the Private Offer type selected.
How to create a Private Offer:
Go to the Partner Central → ‘Marketplace Offers’ Workspace→ left navigation menu, select Private offers → Customers tab → + New private offer
Refer to this guide for detailed steps.
Q: What does “unlimited” mean in a Listing and Metering in Microsoft Azure Marketplace?
Unlimited is set up as a base quantity for one or multiple product dimensions in a plan where the buyer/ customer has no limits on the usage for that particular dimension.
‘Unlimited’ can be given as a unit in a product dimension as part of your plan in a listing.
For example, in a particular plan, you can give ‘unlimited’ usage for the ‘user licenses’ product dimension. The buyer now has no limits on the number of ‘user licenses’ for your product. You can report metering for additional licenses at a $0 price.
Additional information can be found here.
Q: What is a Transactable and Go-Live listing in Microsoft Azure Marketplace?
Go-Live is a stage of the listing. The listing goes through the journey: Draft → Preview → Go Live.
Transactable is a type of Listing in Microsoft Azure Marketplace. Offers sold through Microsoft are called transactable offers. Microsoft bills the customer on your behalf for all transactable offers. If you choose to sell through Microsoft and have Microsoft host transactions on your behalf, you should select a Transactable listing.
Learn more here.
Q: Where does “Getting Started Details” live in the listing in Microsoft Azure Marketplace?
It is going to be deprecated very soon.
Q: How does the Free Trial Button work in Microsoft Azure Marketplace?
You can have a Free Trial at a plan level in your public Azure listing. When a buyer purchases a free trial, they get a free trial of your product for one month. You cannot have metering dimensions in your free trial plan. Once the free trial ends, you can send a Private Offer with a new plan and metering options.
An excellent example of an ISV on how they have structured their free trial and plans: https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/clockworksdatainnovationbv.blicker-saas-transact-v2?tab=PlansAndPrice
Q: What details do I need from the buyer to send a Private Offer in Microsoft Azure Marketplace?
You need the Billing Account ID of your buyer/ customer and the contact information (e-mail) of the person in your organization designated to accept the private offer.
They need to have permission to accept the private offer.
Your buyers/ customers can find their Billing Account ID using this link - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/find-billing-account-id
Q: How do you accept a Private Offer in Microsoft Azure Marketplace?
Two actions are required to procure a private offer: Accept and Purchase.
The person designated to accept the offer can view and accept the private offer in either of two ways:
Option 1: Accept from e-mail
- Select the link to the private offer sent by the partner via email.
- This opens the details of the private offer on a browser.
- View details and then select Accept private offer.
Option 2: Accept in Azure portal:
- In the Azure portal, access the marketplace. You can search for marketplace in the search bar in Azure and select the marketplace icon.
- Select Private offer management.
- From the list of private offers, apply filters, if needed, to find the private offer.
- Select the arrow (>) to expand details and view all plans included in a private offer.
- Select View + Accept to view details of the offer.
- After reviewing all the details, select Accept private offer.
Once the offer is accepted, it can be purchased or subscribed to in the Azure portal.
Q: How do you purchase a Private Offer in Microsoft Azure Marketplace?
If you accept the private offer using the link in ‘Accept from e-mail,’ you're redirected to the Azure portal to complete the purchase on the private offer management dashboard.
In the Azure portal, access the marketplace.
- Select private offer management.
- Under private offer management is a list of all the private offers with their status. You can view two layers of information on any private offer: private offer information and product information.
- Select the arrow (>) to expand the levels and view the different layers.
- Private offer information contains information about the offer.
- Product information contains information about the product or products included in the private offer.
- To purchase the private offer, select Purchase:
Extra steps could be required to complete the purchase, depending on the type of solution.
Learn more about purchasing a PO in Azure here.
Q: What details are needed to create a Private Offer in GCP Marketplace? How to create a Private Offer in GCP Marketplace?
The following details are needed to create a PO in GCP Marketplace:
- Customer Details
- Pricing Details
- Select EULA
- Billing Account
- Billing Name
- Billing Email
- AE Rep, who is creating the private offer
- Specify the listing and plan
- Payment schedule - Prepay/postpay
- Configure fees, Discounts
- Configure Metering
- Offer duration, Start date, Expiration date,
- Auto-Renewal settings
- Select Custom EULA (upload) or Google Standard EULA
How to create a Private Offer:
Go to the Producer portal → Private offer Panel → Create
Post Acceptance of your Private Offer, depending upon your settings, you may have to approve the purchase depending on your setting.
Learn more here.
Q: Can a buyer cancel a contract?
No, a buyer cannot cancel the contract mid-way in AWS. They can only turn off auto-renewal.
In GCP, a buyer can cancel the contract till it’s approved.
If the customer and seller agree to part-ways mid-contract, the customer can raise a support ticket with the marketplace to take it forward. Read more about AWS contract cancellation here.
Q: What is the right way to extend a free trial or a $0 PO for trial periods?
You can create a public free trial. Your public listing will now have a Free Trial option. A public free trial can be of a shorter duration, say 15 days, but a $0 Public Offer is for a minimum of 30 days.
To give a free trial to a particular buyer/customer via Private Offer, you should create a zero-dollar private offer for a selected period.
A public free trial can be of a shorter duration, say 15 days, but a $0 Public Offer is for a minimum of 30 days.
Q: Creating a new Private Offer for a customer with an active PO?
In Azure, you can create multiple Private Offers for the same buyer.
In AWS, you cannot create a new Private Offer unless you terminate the existing contract. We recommend you create an Agreement Based Offer (ABO) for existing buyers/ customers. Once a buyer accepts an ABO, the previous agreement/contract gets canceled, and the new one gets instated.
Q: Should we use a custom contract or standard contracts provided by cloud marketplaces?
We have seen multiple companies use standard contracts provided by cloud marketplaces as it is easier for buyers to do legal processing. You can have it reviewed by your legal team.
As a thumb rule, in your public listing you can simply use standard contract and for private offers you can use a custom contract if you have custom terms.
Agreement Based Offers & Reseller Offers
Q: How to upgrade and renew a SaaS contract subscription/ How to create an ABO in AWS?
Follow these steps to create private offer for upgrades and renewals or an Agreement Based Offer (ABO):
- Sign in to the AWS Marketplace Management Portal and choose Agreements.
- On the Agreements page, create an upgrade or renewal private offer in one of the following ways:
- Choose a check box next to an agreement, then choose Create agreement-based offer.
- Choose an agreement ID to view the details and then choose Create agreement-based offer.
- On the Agreement offer details page, enter a custom offer name.
- Edit the information for any dates, dimensions, payment schedule, and EULA you want to change. Then choose Next.
- On the Review and Create page, review the information. When ready, choose Create agreement-based offer.
The new private offer appears on the Manage Private Offer page in approximately 10-45 minutes. To view the offer, sign in to the AWS Marketplace Management Portal and choose Offers to open the Manage Private Offer page.
You can provide the URL for the new private offer to the buyer. From there, the buyer has the option to accept it or to continue to operate under the original agreement.
Read more about upgrades and renewal offers here.
Q: How to send a CPPO as a Seller/ISV in AWS?
To create a reseller opportunity for a channel partner as an ISV:
- Sign in to the AWS Marketplace Management Portal
- Choose the Partners tab, and then choose Create opportunity
- On the Opportunity details page, enter the Opportunity name and Opportunity description
- Select the channel partner (reseller) you want to authorize from the dropdown list for Resellers.
- Select which of your Products are part of this opportunity.
- Choose the discount that you want to apply.
- Select the Duration of the opportunity.
- Add or remove custom Product dimensions and modify the Additional usage fees to customize your opportunity.
- Set one or more Buyer account IDs to specify the Buyer.
- Select the EULA version or upload the EULA.
- Select the Reseller Contract for AWS Marketplace (RCMP) or upload a custom contract.
- Select Review opportunity, and review the information.
- Select Create Opportunities.
You can find more information here
Q: How to send a CPPO Offer as a reseller/ Channel Partner in AWS?
You can follow these steps to send a CPPO offer as a reseller:
- Determine what your offer price will be.
- Sign in to the AWS Marketplace Management Portal
- Choose Partners from the menu.
- From the Opportunities list, choose the option button next to the opportunity with the product and discount you want to offer the buyer, then select Create offer.
- On the Create Private Offer page:
- If the opportunity has an attached reseller contract, accept the reseller contract
- For Buyer(s), enter the one or more buyer AWS account ID
- Set up FPS, if needed, and choose Next
- In the Price Adjustment section, choose one of the following options:
- Select the Markup option to increase the customer price from the wholesale cost and enter the Markup amount (%).
- Select the Discount option to decrease the customer price from the public price.
ii. If you selected the option for flexible payments, enter the amount and invoice date for each payment the customer will make in the Buyer Payment Schedule section.
- If the opportunity has an attached reseller contract, accept the reseller contract
- Review the EULA provided by the ISV. You can also upload up to five documents to amend the ISV EULA.
- In the Set Expiration Information section, choose the Offer expiry date and Subscription end date.
- Review the offer, and then choose Extend Offer.
For more information, refer to this guide.
Q: How to create a Multi-Party Offer (MPO) in Microsoft Azure Marketplace?
Overview of the multiparty private offers experience:
- The ISV creates an offer and includes the selling partner.
- The Selling partner extends the offer to the customer.
- The Customer buys through the commercial marketplace.
- Microsoft pays the ISV and the selling partner.
You can follow these steps to create a MPO:
- Sign in to Partner Center.
- Select Marketplace offers from the home page.
- Select Private Offers from the left-nav menu to open the dashboard.
- Select the Multiparty tab.
- Select + New private offer.
- Enter a multiparty private offer name.
- Select the type of multiparty private offer you wish to create based on the attributes you want to customize. Attributes include
- Pricing (either absolute or percentage discounts)
- Meter quantities
- User limits for transactable marketplace offer types (including SaaS and VM reservation).
- Follow the remaining process and continue a normal Private Offer flow. Review and Submit the offer.
As the ISV, you'll create the multiparty private offer and submit it to your selling partner. Therefore, you'll be the originator of the multiparty private offer.
The offer will be available to your selling partner within 15 minutes. Be sure to email your selling partner to inform them the multiparty private offer is available.
Your selling partner can copy the multiparty private offer link and share it with your customer for acceptance. Your customer will also be able to see the multiparty private offer under the Private offer management blade in the Azure portal.
Learn more about MPOs here.
Q: What is the ACE Portal login?
You can login using this link: https://partnercentral.awspartner.com/partnercentral2/s/login
Q: How do you submit an opportunity in ACE?
You can do it via Partner Central in AWS or the Clazar Platform.
Using the Clazar Platform
- Navigate to the Co-Sell Tab in Clazar
- Click +Create Opportunity
- Enter Customer Details
- Enter Project Details
- Enter Contact Details (Customer Contact and Partner Contact)
- Submit to AWS
Refer to this guide for detailed steps.
Using Partner Central in AWS
Go to Partner Central → View Opportunities → Create → Fill in the details
You can refer to this guide.
Q: How do you delete/abandon an existing CRM Integration in the APN portal?
You will need to submit a support ticket via AWS Partner Central > Contact Support > Open New Case > Partner Central Tools > Get Specific > CRM Integration.
Q: What are the best practices in metering?
Metering depends on your metered usage.
AWS recommends metering on an hourly basis. It also recommends metering zero usage for the hour if there is no usage in that hour. You can meter for up to 6 hours in the past for active contracts. In AWS, when a contract is canceled, you can only meter the overages for that buyer in the next hour. Read more here.
Azure recommends metering as it happens. The most granular metering report in Analytics is on a daily basis. Azure recommends meter overages for the last 24 hours. Read more here. You can access information about Metering Services API here.
GCP allows you to meter for the last 30 days for active contracts. You can meter a canceled contract in GCP in the next 30 days.
Q: How can I meter using Clazar?
Metering can be done in Clazar in 3 ways - manual submission, bulk upload via CSV, and programmatic submission via APIs. It's always better to report usage as and when it happens via APIs or regular manual bulk upload. This allows for streamlined financial operations. Manual submission via Clazar can work best for someone who has low usage.
Payments: Billing, Collections & Disbursements
Q: How are services confirmed as ‘Active’ to the AWS marketplace in order to trigger billing?
AWS triggers billing depending on the type of contract:
- For contracts with upfront payment, the billing is triggered when your buyer accepts the offer, thus creating a contract in an active state for which the billing starts. The buyer is given an invoice once the purchase has been completed.
- For contracts with Flexible Payment Schedule (FPS), the buyer is sent invoices on set dates by AWS for an active contract.
- For usage-based contracts, the seller can select active contracts and submit metering/usage records. AWS acknowledges these metering records submitted via Clazar, which will be included in the next invoice sent to the buyer.
Q: When does a seller get paid in AWS?
There are two components of payment - Upfront Payment for one-time purchases and Recurring Payment for usage-based/ metered revenue.
There are three elements in the cycle:
- Billing - When does the marketplace bill your product to the buyer/ customer
- Invoicing - When does the marketplace collect the money from the buyer/ customer
- Disbursement - When does the marketplace disburse the funds to you - the seller
The upfront payment is billed on the day of the purchase. Each buyer/customer has different invoicing terms with AWS. The AWS will invoice your payment as per the invoicing cycle of your customer/buyer. When the buyer/ customer has paid as per their invoicing terms with AWS, AWS will disburse that money with you as per your disbursement preferences - Daily or Monthly. The default disbursement cycle is monthly; you will receive the funds by the 10th of every month.
For metered revenue, AWS invoices your buyer/customer on the 2nd or 3rd of each month for all the metered revenue for the preceding month. Your buyer/customer will pay AWS as per their invoicing terms with AWS, and after this, AWS will disburse this payment to you as per your disbursement preferences.
Q: How can a seller issue a refund to the buyer?
In the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, under the support tab, a seller can submit a refund request on behalf of their subscriber/ customer. You can use this link to access the same: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/management/support/refund-request
Q: What taxes does AWS handle for us?
AWS collects taxes from these countries outside of the US on your behalf. In all other countries, either the Seller or the Buyer may be responsible for VAT/GST/Indirect taxes on the Marketplace sale. AWS will not calculate nor charge taxes to the Buyer. The Seller may be required to invoice and collect VAT/GST/Indirect taxes to pay to the relevant Tax Authority. Alternatively, the Buyer may be responsible for self-assessing taxes in relation to their purchase.
Within the United States, AWS collects sales taxes and remits these to the local tax authorities in the name of Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Refer to this guide for more information.
Q: Do you support the Canadian $? How does multi-currency work in the AWS marketplace?
As a seller, you have to put your pricing in USD. Buyers see prices in their local supported currency.
For more information, check this document.
Q: How does a seller support a tax-exempt buyer in AWS?
As a seller, you do not have to do anything for tax-exempt. AWS takes care of it with your buyers/ customers.
Your buyers can manage tax exemption using this link: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/manage-account-payment.html#manage-account-tax-awstaxexemption
Q: How do I know if my buyer/customer’s Billing Account ID has appropriate permissions to approve the purchase in Microsoft Azure Marketplace?
Agreement type | Permissions to accept offer | Permissions to purchase or subscribe |
Microsoft Customer Agreement (MCA) | Billing account owner or contributor | Subscription owner or subscription contributor |
Enterprise Agreement (EA) | Enterprise administrator | Subscription owner or subscription contributor |
They can run the eligibility check tool and download the report to check if they are approved to purchase via the marketplace - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/private-offers-pre-check#downloadable-eligibility-report
Q: How to configure a billing account in Microsoft Azure Marketplace to make me eligible to receive a PO?
Your buyers/ customers can run the eligibility check tool and download the report to check if they are approved to purchase via the marketplace - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/private-offers-pre-check#downloadable-eligibility-report
Your buyers/ customers can manage billing roles in the Azure portal with the following steps:
- Sign in to the Azure portal.
- Search for Cost Management + Billing.
- Select Access control (IAM) at a scope, such as billing account, billing profile, or invoice section, where you want to give access.
- The Access control (IAM) page lists users and groups assigned to each role for that scope.
- To give access to a user, Select Add from the top of the page. In the Role drop-down list, select a role. Enter the user's email address to whom you want to give access.
- Select Save to assign the role.
Additional information can be found here.
How do billings and collection work on AWS? Once the contract is “active”, what is the lift on AWS/Clazar/ISV?
AWS does billing for three scenarios: contracts with upfront payments, contracts with flexible payment schedules, and usage-based contracts.
Once the buyer is billed (which typically means an invoice has been raised), the buyer has to pay the invoice amount to AWS. Buyer and AWS typically have net payment days agreed upon (30/60/90/120 days) based on which buyer pays to AWS. This is called “Collections” which AWS does.
Once AWS receives the money from a buyer, they disburse it to the seller after deducting their charges, usually by the 10th of every month. The amount that the sellers receive is called “Disbursement”.
For active contracts sellers/users can submit usage/metering records to AWS to Clazar via
- Manual submission with multiple contracts at a time
- Bulk upload via CSV
- via Clazar metering API
- via Orb integration (WIP)
All the data on collections and disbursement is visible in Clazar's Analytics app.
Q: How can I receive analytics over email from Clazar?
Navigate to the top right of any report, click on the Kebab (︙) and select Schedule Delivery. Customize your report by providing a name, time and frequency of the report, email addresses you want it sent to and the format. Currently, we support PDF, .CSV and PNG.
Clazar Pricing
Q: Clazar has an additional usage billed at $1/ unit. What is this?
It gives us the flexibility to charge overages the way we structure our contracts with our customers. If we have additional usage on an extra listing, we can use this to meter; if we have additional usage on revenue, we can use this product dimension to meter, and so on. We don't meter anything for customers with no extra usage agreed upon.
Updated 5 months ago