Clazar provides Slack integration designed to keep sellers continuously updated on the status of their listings and buyer activities. By enabling this integration, sellers gain access to real-time notifications that offer valuable insights into their marketplace listings, including updates on listing status, new buyer information, modifications and cancellations. These notifications are seamlessly delivered to sellers' designated Slack channels, ensuring they stay connected and well-informed throughout the entire sales process.


Permissions required by Clazar Slack app

  • channels:read: Get the info about public channels that the app is a part of.
  • groups:read: Get info about the private channels that the app is a part of.
  • chat:write: Send messages to the channels that the app is a part of.
  • commands: Interact with the app using slash commands.
  • app_mentions:read: Interact with the app using app mentions.

How to Install

  • Navigate to Settings -> App -> Integrations -> Slack
  • Click on Add to Slack
  • Click on Allow
  • To ensure that you receive notifications from the Clazar Slack app in all the desired channels, execute the following command in each channel:
    /invite @Clazar

How to Disconnect

Sellers can go to Settings -> App -> Integrations -> Slack and click on Disconnect to disconnect slack integration.


Good to Know

Clicking on disconnect does not uninstall the slack app from seller's workspace.

Alternatively sellers can uninstalls the app from their slack workspace.