Custom Objects

Clazar integrates with HubSpot to provide entity data like listings/buyers/co sell opportunities etc.

Custom Objects from Clazar in HubSpot


Clazar integrates with HubSpot to provide a seamless experience for getting Clazar data through custom objects. These objects enable businesses to model their unique data in HubSpot, ensuring all relevant information is captured for analysis and reporting.

This document outlines the custom objects that Clazar pushes to HubSpot and the process used to create and manage these objects.

Custom Objects pushed from Clazar

Clazar supports the getting Clazar data through custom objects. The following types of custom objects are pushed from Clazar to HubSpot:

  1. Clazar AWS Co-Sell Opportunities
    Represent the AWS Co-sell Opportunities with detailed data

  2. Clazar Azure Co-Sell Opportunities
    Represent the Azure Co-sell Opportunities with detailed data

  3. Clazar Buyers
    Represents the Buyers list available in cloud provider marketplaces (AWS, Azure, GCP) in common format

  4. Clazar Contracts
    Represents the Contracts in cloud provider marketplaces (AWS, Azure, GCP) in common format

  5. Clazar Listings
    Represents all the listings posted over all cloud provider marketplaces (AWS, Azure, GCP) in common format

  6. Clazar Offers
    Represents all the private offers over all cloud provider marketplaces (AWS, Azure, GCP) in common format

  7. Clazar Opportunities
    Represents all the co sell opportunities over all cloud provider marketplaces (AWS & Azure) in common format

Object Schema and Fields

For each custom object pushed from Clazar, a predefined schema is created in HubSpot. The schema can be found in the documentation:

Associations Between Custom Objects

Clazar also supports creating associations between custom objects in HubSpot. The following associations are created along with objects:

  • Buyers → Listing, Contract
  • Contract → Listing, Buyer & Offer
  • Offer → Listing

These associations provide deeper insights by connecting relevant objects within HubSpot.

Sync Process

Custom objects are synced from Clazar to HubSpot through the HubSpot API. The sync process is triggered immediately, ensuring that new and updated records in Clazar are pushed to HubSpot in near real-time.

The sync process is optimized for performance, ensuring that large datasets are processed efficiently and without impacting other business processes.

Error Handling

In case of sync failures or issues with data consistency, please reach out to Clazar support and we will proactively fix it.

What’s Next

If you want to enable this for your instance, you can contact us and we'll enable it for you!