1-Click Port

Effortlessly port your Azure marketplace operations to Clazar without any downtime or historical data loss.

Integrating with Azure Marketplace to list your product is a non-trivial task. It takes considerable effort for the initial setup and the post-setup upkeep. That is why many Sellers choose to go through third-party providers to get their product listed in order to eliminate the need to tie up their own engineering resources. In some other cases, Sellers start working on an in-house solution only to later start looking for a third-party solution.

If you are dissatisfied with your current Azure Marketplace integration solution, whether third-party or in-house, or simply looking for a better alternative, look no further. Clazar can port your existing Azure marketplace integrations and operations without any business downtime for your listings or loss of historical marketplace data. The transition will be virtually seamless and unnoticeable, with the exception of a noticeably better product experience.

Data Ported

What will be ported? Everything!

After the port process is complete, it will feel like you had been using Clazar's platform since the first day of your listing on Azure Marketplace. We will port all historical and current data including:

  • Listing - all your listing information will be auto-populated.
  • Buyers - all your current and past buyers with all relevant data will be available.
  • Contracts - all your current and past contracts will be visible.
  • Metering Records - all of your metered usage records will be auto-populated.
  • Private Offers - all of your private offers you have ever created will be available.
  • Analytics Data - all of your revenue, disbursements, and customer reports will be present.

Even many of the Events as shown in the Clazar product (which are an artifact of Clazar's system and not Azure Marketplace) will be backfilled. The goal is to make sure that you have the smoothest transition possible without the need for any back and forth reconciliation with your existing solution.

Process Overview

No Changes to Existing Integration

  • User Invite
    Invite [email protected] to your Partner Center via User Management and assign Developer role.
  • Add Federated Credentials
    Unlike usual process of using client secrets, we use workload identity federation that is more secure

Changes to Existing Integration

  • Landing Page URL
    Users will be directed to after acquiring your offer from the commercial marketplace, triggering the configuration process from the newly created SaaS subscription. This URL present in listing's technical configuration, will receive a token that can be used to call the fulfilment APIs to get provisioning details for your interactive registration page.
  • Metering Integration
    Shut down your existing integration and start metering usage through Clazar.
  • Webhook URL
    For all asynchronous events that Microsoft needs to send to you (for example, when a SaaS subscription has been canceled), they require you to provide a connection webhook URL. Microsoft will call this URL to notify you on the event. Webhook URL needs to be updated in the listing's technical configuration.


No Downtime

Your existing integration will continue to work throughout the porting process and you can continue conducting all Azure marketplace related business as usual.

Time Required

No engineering work is required from your side, so the port process will take no more than two meetings of 30 minutes or less from your end - one at the beginning and the other at the end of the process. The whole porting process itself can take time ranging anywhere from less than 12 hours to 3-4 days depending on the state of your existing integrations.

Information Required

We will require the following information from your side before you can grant the necessary permissions to Clazar:

  • Tenant ID - Your Azure Marketplace tenant ID (directory ID)
  • Application ID - Your Azure portal application ID (associated with the listing via technical configuration)

Data Sources

All your Azure marketplace-related data lives in Azure and can be retrieved from there. Your existing integration solution, whether third-part or in-house, is merely a facilitator and will hardly ever add any new data on top of it. That is why we can port all your historical data directly from Azure without a hitch, and it will be the same as what you had in your existing solution. The sources for historical data include all the Azure marketplace APIs.