
  • Clazar Salesforce App Version 1.43 or later.
  • Complete the Setup Process inside the Clazar Salesforce App with Salesforce M2M Credentials.
  • [Optional] Field Mapping for AutoFill the data, mapping AWS fields to Salesforce fields.

1. Accept/Reject AWS Co-Sell Inbound Opportunity

The "Accept AWS Co-Sell Inbound Opportunity" action enables you to accept incoming opportunities from AWS and streamline the process of integrating them into your Salesforce pipeline.

Steps to Use the “Accept/Reject AWS Co-Sell Opportunity” Action

  1. Create a New Flow:
    • Navigate to the Flows tab in Salesforce and click on "New Flow".
    • Select "Record-Triggered Flow".
  2. Configure the Trigger:
    • Set the object to "AWS Co-Sell Opportunity".
    • Choose "A record is updated" as the trigger condition.
    • Set entry conditions to trigger the flow:
      • clazar__opportunity_ownership__c equals "AWS Referral"
      • clazar__target_close_date__c is changed.
  3. Accept Co-Sell AWS Referred Opportunity:
    • Add an “Apex Action” element.
    • Set the label to "Accept Co-Sell AWS Referred Opportunity".
    • Select the appropriate Apex class (apex-clazar__AcceptOpportunity).
    • Set input values:
      • Accept Opportunity: Set to "True" to accept the opportunity, Set to "False" to reject the opportunity.
      • Clazar Opportunity Id: Map to the Clazar Id from the AWS Co-Sell Opportunity Object.
      • Cloud: Set to "aws".
      • Reject Opportunity Reason: Required if Accept Opportunity is set to "False"
        • Possible Values:
          • Customer problem unclear
          • Next steps unclear
          • Unable to support
          • Duplicate of Partner Referral
          • Renewal opportunity
          • Other
  4. Create New SFDC Opportunity:
    • Add another action (if needed) to handle the creation of a new Salesforce Opportunity based on the accepted AWS Co-Sell Opportunity.
    • Configure this action according to your specific requirements.
  5. Save and Activate the Flow:
    • Save the flow and activate it to start accepting or rejecting AWS Co-Sell Opportunities automatically when the specified conditions are met.

2. Create AWS Co-Sell Opportunity

The "Create AWS Co-Sell Opportunity" action enables users to create a new opportunity in AWS using Salesforce Opportunity data. This action streamlines the process of adding Salesforce opportunities to AWS.

Steps to Use the “Create AWS Co-Sell Opportunity” Action

  1. Create a New Flow:
    • Navigate to the Flows tab in Salesforce and click on “New Flow”.
    • Select “Record-Triggered Flow”.
  2. Configure the Trigger:
    • Set the object to “Opportunity”.
    • Choose “A record is created” as the trigger condition.
    • Set entry conditions to trigger the flow when the CloseDate and Amount fields are not null.
  3. Get SFDC Opportunity to AWS Opportunity Mapped Data:
    • Add an “Apex Action” element.
    • Set the label to “Get SFDC Opp to AWS Opp Mapped Data”.
    • Select the appropriate Apex class (apex-clazar__GetOpportunityMappedData).
    • Set input values:
      • Cloud: Set to “aws”.
      • Salesforce Opportunity: Set to the triggering Opportunity.
      • Update Existing Opportunity: Set to “False”.
  4. Create Co-Sell AWS Opportunity:
    • Add an “Apex Action” element.
    • Set the label to “Co-Sell Create AWS Opportunity”.
    • Select the appropriate Apex class (apex-clazar__CreateOpportunity).
    • Set input values:
      • Cloud: Set to “aws”.
      • Opportunity Data: Set to the mapped data retrieved in the previous step.
      • Salesforce Opportunity: Set to the triggering opportunity.
      • Submit to Cloud: Set to “True” to submit the opportunity to AWS, or “False” to create a draft opportunity in Clazar.
  5. Save and Activate the Flow:
    • Save the flow and activate it to start creating AWS Co-Sell Opportunities automatically when the specified conditions are met.

3. Update AWS Co-Sell Opportunity

The "Update AWS Co-Sell Opportunity" action enables users to modify existing Salesforce opportunities within AWS. This action ensures that the most up-to-date information from Salesforce is synchronized with AWS.

Steps to Use the “Update AWS Co-Sell Opportunity” Action

  1. Create a New Flow:
    • Navigate to the Flows tab in Salesforce and click on “New Flow”.
    • Select Record-Triggered Flow.
  2. Configure the Trigger:
    • Set the object to Opportunity.
    • Choose A record is updated as the trigger condition.
    • Set entry conditions to trigger the flow.
      • Example: when the StageName equals “Proposal”.
  3. Get Related AWS Opportunity (Written Back Clazar Custom Object):
    • Add a “Get Records” element.
    • Set the object to “AWS Co-Sell Opportunity”.
    • Filter records
      • clazar__mapped_object_id__c equals the Salesforce Opportunity ID
      • clazar__mapped_object_type__c equals Opportunity.
    • Only the first record.
    • Automatically store all fields.
  4. Update AWS Co-Sell Opportunity:
    • Add an “Action” element.
    • Choose the “Update Co-Sell Opportunity” action.
    • Set the input values:
      • Clazar Opportunity Id: Map to the retrieved AWS Co-Sell Opportunity Clazar Id.
      • Cloud: Set to "aws".
      • Opportunity Data: Map to the retrieved AWS Opportunity Record.
  5. Save and Activate the Flow:
    • Save the flow and activate it to start updating AWS Co-Sell Opportunities automatically when the specified conditions are met.